It is my honor to write the personal note this month!
The month of May has always been a very special month for me, and of course for Debbie also. Maybe many of you may already know why that is. On May 29, 1987 Debbie and I were married! This month we celebrate 31 years! It’s hard to image what life was like without each other’s love. Looking back we celebrate from day one that miraculous moment where ‘the two shall become one flesh’. I love you Deborah Graham Ecker and I honor you today, as my wife! Thank you the ‘divine yes’ that you gave me that day. With Jesus at the center of it all, the future looks bright. Happy Anniversary baby!
Starting last month, due to a few most recent health issues, with Debbie’s father, who turns 89 this year, we have decided to have Mr. and Mrs. Graham, (Deb’s Mom & Dad) come to live with us, here in Pittsburgh. Mr. Graham has already arrived and Mrs. Graham (who turns 88 this year) will arrive later this month once all of the house renovations are complete. In spite of all of the challenges this may bring, we have a sense that this is the ‘right thing‘ to do!
The past five months have been an incredible journey! It’s been Singapore, Myanmar, Thailand twice and India! Everywhere we go there is a great door for teaching and training church leaders and church planters in our efforts to advance the kingdom in the places where serve. The next half of the year, the Lord willing we’ll be in multiple times to Thailand, and China, back to India, first time to Egypt and possibly Israel.
We are crossing a threshold into a new season of life and ministry. No.Turning.Back!
~ Dan Ecker