How many of you have noticed the times when the language in the current culture seems to change as new words are introduced into our conversations. Words like “the new normal” or that’s a “no brainer” or “it’s not rocket science.” Once words or phrases like these are introduced we find new ways to express ourselves in thought, word and deed.
I can remember in the early 90’s the word or phrase “paradigm” was introduced or “paradigm shift.” In those days, I would have to look up words like these in my pocket Webster dictionary or ask my wife. Seriously! At first, I had no idea what the word meant let alone how to properly use it in a sentence. But I sure felt smart saying it. (smile)
I can recall a time when the word “unprecedented” entered our vocabulary or the phrase “going to the next level.” What I have discovered in the Kingdom to “go up” to a new place in God, one must first “give up” something to get the there. What is it that you may need to let go of to move forward in 2025? Let.It.Go!

~ Dan Ecker