Faith Talks!

On November - 10 - 2021

“The Spirit of the Lord spoke by me, And His word was on my tongue.” II Samuel 23:3 NASB

God spoke and the worlds were created. First there was nothing; then, there was everything. Earth and sea and sky and flora and fauna, ecosystems and logic and intelligence and color and texture and brightness and darkness were formed.
Then, God created us. In His own image He created us.

We are tri-part beings: a spirit, with a soul living inside a body. Father, Son and Holy Ghost. One in Three, Three in One. Like Him, we have a mind. We can think things out. We can reason and make decisions. We can choose. We can choose life. We can choose death.

There have been significant times in my life when I knew that if I did not consciously choose life, death was easily an option. Once in the Himalayas with badly broken bones. Another time sick, life ebbing away, half a world away from home. Years later, the ugly name of cancer tried to invoke its influence in my body.

In these times the Lord has shown me that victory is first from within. I can know joy in the presence of terrible trials. I can drink from the inner streams of rejoicing even when my flesh is crying out in pain and sorrow. I am Spirit. Then, Soul. Then Body.

Even as the Lord spoke and worlds were created, I have discovered that gratitude, spoken out loud into the worst situation, chases fear.
My lips shall praise Thee, my Great Redeemer.

I had a heart attack over a year ago. It has been very difficult to overcome the residual weakness and effects of that event. Congestive heart failure they call it. I Googled it. The words brought more fear than when I heard the doctors say cancer 6 years ago.

Then I remembered the word God first spoke during that last trial. “Debbie, I am going to take SUCH good care of you.” He did. I am healed, for real.

I sought Him for a word to hold onto for NOW. I heard “He heals the broken hearted.” I began to ask Him to heal my broken heart. HIS life began flowing into me again. I have been asking people to pray with me, for God to heal my broken heart. This past Sunday I was able to stand during most of the worship. It is the first time in a long time that I have been able to do that.

My heart is safe within His hands. Therefore, I am glad. Thank You, Jesus.

~ Debbie Ecker

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Your prayers and financial giving this year will enable us to pursue a good number of projects and ministry platforms in 2021. With your help this year we are engaging in Kingdom Advance Partnerships with overseas national church leaders and ministries, providing Care For Kingdom Families in selected areas of Thailand, [through projects like REAP […]

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