During the first two months of this year our Firstlight Area Team distributed 100 plus prescription eye glasses in the province of Khon Kaen, Thailand. This was part of the follow up to the eye care screenings for evangelism with Dr. George Rooney, and Dr. Fredrick Martin and our friends from His Servants Ministries (HSM) in September of 2016.
Through this strategic partnership with HSM, on an annual basis, we are helping to meet the eye care needs in rural villages where there is very little or no gospel witness, where Firstlight is working. Each year hundreds are presented with the gospel and many have come to Christ!
The girl on the left is a Thai student who had come to one of these eye care screenings last year. She now has a new pair of glasses and a NEW OUTLOOK on life as she is learning about who Jesus is, and what He has done for her. Ask the Lord to open her eyes to see Him as Savior and Lord!
~ Dan Ecker