As Christians, being a disciple is basically a no-brainer. It is not up for debate; it’s at the core of Christianity. You see, being a Christ follower requires us to both be disciples and make disciples. This means the same today as it did when Jesus first said, ‘Come, follow Me.’. Discipleship has been discussed by theologians for years. Countless books on discipleship, and how to apply it to our lives. I needed to define this for my own life, I needed to present clear direction to my congregation as well.
Of the many scriptures available to describe discipleship, I land on a passage in Matthew most often. Matthew 4:18-22 ESV where Jesus first calls His disciples.
In verse 19, we find a key sentence. 19 And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
There are three elements represented here that we can apply: our head, our heart, and our hands.
When you follow Jesus, that’s a decision that you make (head). When Jesus is “making” you, He is actually changing something inside (heart). When you are committed to the mission of Jesus, you are doing something about it (hands). In other words a disciple is someone who is following, being changed and committed to the vision.
My definition of discipleship is this: “A disciple is someone who is surrendered to Jesus, who is being changed by following Jesus and who is on a mission to help others do the same.”
We are leading people from spiritual immaturity to spiritual maturity. We are continually being changed by Jesus. We are always the clay and He is always the Potter.
In 2019, seek not only be a better disciple, but to make a disciple, as well.
Who is the one person you can invest in this year? Your part in the work of Firstlight is a great place to start! Be one – Make one!
~ Bill Themelaras