“When You said, “Seek My face,” my heart said to You, “Your face, O Lord, I shall seek.” Psalm 27:8. I have often referred to my life as a long, many chaptered book, set in multiple locations and with an ever changing and growing cast of characters. However, it is also true, that our lives can be referred to as a journey, with changes of direction and locations at many points along the way. In my case, I have lived in 27 houses or apartments, traveled to 23 countries on 5 continents; my story can seem like a series rather than just one book.
The Bible uses similar language, referring to our lives as a ‘walk’ or where we go as our ‘path.’: “The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.” Proverbs 4:18. Hebrews 12 goes so far as to say we are all running a race; a race that has been set before each one of us. I have always marveled at the individuality of our faith so clearly expressed in the scripture. We are not one big primeval ooze of consciousness. Rather, we are uniquely and wonderfully made as the snowflakes, each with our own markings. We are given tasks which were put into place before we were born, that we should walk in them We have a race to run.
To me, the most beautiful imagery in this passage is where we are told to look unto Jesus who is the Author and Perfecter of our faith. When I first read this verse, I had such a picture in my mind of Jesus, waiting there for me at the Finish Line. Cheering me on. Smiling. For me. Arms opened wide. Waiting. Saying…”Come to Me….”
There is nothing in my entire life that motivates me to get it right as much as this mental picture. A loving Savior/Shepherd/Friend watching over me and willing me to succeed. Willing me to run with patience and not give up. Willing me to endure. “Come to Me…”
Whether our race is a long, drawn out marathon, such as my dear father, whose lifespan crossed 10 decades! (1929 – 2020), or short, intense sprints, such as those who leave us far too young; no matter how our race transpires, of this we can be certain: Jesus is the Prize. He is our Reward. His loving arms embracing us at the end of our journey, catching us as we fall from this life…into the next, is the Goal that I run towards. Keeping my eyes fixed on the One who loves me best. Who calls out to all of us, “Come to Me.”
~ Debbie Ecker