God Cares for Kids These three are part of our Families Without Fathers project (FWF) this year. They and 75 others are receiving weekly visits to their homes and or area schools in six locations this year. School fees and related supplies are being provided for each child involved in the program once in April […]
Recent News for ‘Projects’
Sharing Christ Through Medical Partnerships Join us this month as we conduct eye care screenings for evangelism in the northeast region of Thailand with Dr. George Rooney from His Servants Ministries, (HSM). Through medical partnerships like these, we are reaching into rural areas of Thailand with eye care teams where Firstlight is planting churches. It […]
Teaching the Word to believers among the Firstlight Fellowship Church Network – Thailand, and churches in Laos, last month. Places like these is something that I (Dan) have become very accustom to. Asian style house church meetings were believers gather for worship, prayer, teaching, fellowship, training and more. Sitting on straw mats or sometimes on […]
A Thai elementary school opens up to us for outreach in Khon Kaen, Thailand. 96 elementary age students, 70% come from fatherless homes. Kids in any culture are great. These children in particular are becoming close to our hearts as we walk through an open door to reach them with the Gospel. In fact, during […]
Reaching Children For Christ Located in a small village of Khong Pho, in northeast Thailand, children like these are gathering weekly to learn about Jesus and God’s great love. The Lord has given us a tremendous opportunity to reach children for Christ in places like these. Sitting on straw mats spread out over the dirt […]
E5 Projects Kingdom Relationships Discipleship is up close and personal. You must get close to the person that you disciple. If you can make disciples you will plant a church. However, we cannot do it alone. We need Kingdom Relationships. Paul often spoke highly of his team and called them his fellow laborers, his co-workers. […]