This is the time of year when a new school term begins in Thailand. Preparations are underway through several our our Thai partnership churches to reach more children and families from fatherless homes through our Families Without Fathers (FWF) project this year. Thank you for helping to reach more children and families like this in […]
Recent News for ‘Projects’
Every month through the year children and families like these are being reached through Families Without Fathers (FWF) in four locations in selected areas of Thailand. Please keep up the good work that you are doing that helps to make all of this possible. Each interaction brings Christ into each of these fatherless homes. […]
As we continue to press on in 2020 there is much to be accomplished for the Lord and we all have a part in the fulfillment for what he has planned for each of our lives. We are being asked to bring further teaching and training in various parts of Thailand, the Netherlands and Myanmar […]
Thank you for standing with us in 2020 for reaching into fatherless homes, in Thailand. Families Without Fathers (FWF) continues to be a blessing to families like these in selected areas around the country. With the support of FWF children and families like these are receiving the love of Jesus in very real, and practical […]
One of those moments where kind gestures are given and received as new friendships are being formed with several Thai hospital staff, in Northeast Thailand. We were warmly welcomed into this region by hospital staff, and local government officials of Kalasin province. Such an opportunity to extend eye care screenings to a little over 1,400 […]
A “BIG THANK YOU” to Dr. George Rooney, and Dr. Fred Martin along with the many others from His Servants Ministries (HSM) for your partnership with Firstlight in Thailand. Your commitment to places like these to bring Christ into rural settings with top quality eye care is remarkable. Every year the Lord puts together a […]