Travel Plans…Ministry Platforms Projects & Ministry Platforms: Firstlight International is committed to bringing fulfillment to the great commission through evangelism, discipleship and church planting. This is being done through a good number of projects and ministry platforms geared towards: Health, Education, Moral, Economics, and Community Development. As Thailand continues to be a primary country where […]
Recent News for ‘Church Planting’
New Cells Being Planted This particular group meets at a Thai elementary school in Khon Kaen, Thailand. This is where they met Christ during the eye care screening outreach for evangelism with Dr. George Rooney, HSM. Now they are ‘having church’ at this location each week. Over the past three weeks the response has been […]
With Heart Felt Thanks Thank you for helping to make 2014 a remarkable year. Your prayers and financial giving each month has brought forth a bountiful harvest of righteousness in places like: Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, and China. With your help, the work of Firstlight International has prospered in the following areas this year: * 75 […]
Inside Myanmar – An opportune time I am always amazed how the Lord directs my steps. When I first went into Myanmar it was in 1997. Our team of three went in to prayer walk strategic places around the country: Rangoon, Mandalay, Pagon and the city of Phee to the west. By God’s grace we […]
Teaching the Word to believers among the Firstlight Fellowship Church Network – Thailand, and churches in Laos, last month. Places like these is something that I (Dan) have become very accustom to. Asian style house church meetings were believers gather for worship, prayer, teaching, fellowship, training and more. Sitting on straw mats or sometimes on […]
Reaching Children For Christ Located in a small village of Khong Pho, in northeast Thailand, children like these are gathering weekly to learn about Jesus and God’s great love. The Lord has given us a tremendous opportunity to reach children for Christ in places like these. Sitting on straw mats spread out over the dirt […]