Over this past year, we are being called upon to serve the purposes, and to help give birth to the Asia Fathering Center, (AFC) in Bangkok. John Paul Sprecher, Missionary and Senior Leader of Forerunner Flame International (FRFI) based in Pittsburgh, together with his wife Paula are the ones who are pioneering the AFC. Currently […]
Recent News for ‘General’
We are coming into my favorite time of year. End of summer when the evenings grow cooler and you can almost feel the beginnings of fall in the air. We will not get to enjoy much of the fall foliage, as we are scheduled to return to Thailand from September 25-October 21st. Dan with doctor […]
“No one puts new wine into old wineskins; else the wine burst the skins and both the wine and the skins be lost.” Mark 2:22 NIV A fire is being born in the earth. A hunger for God. This hunger doesn’t look like what we’d […]
Last month we stood at several locations in six major cities of Thailand, to pray and to intercede. One of those places happened to be Nakhorn Si Thamarat, in the south where Buddhism first entered Thailand over 700 years ago. Joanna Perkins Samuels (from Thailand) and Dan Taylor from the U.S. lead this part of […]
If there is one portion of scripture that has captured my attention for the time and season that we find ourselves in, it would be Psalms chapter two. Even though this Psalm was written so many years ago, it would appear that what is being said is a description of our day. And it could […]
Weddings, weddings and more weddings! Right before we left for our extended trip to Thailand, we were blessed to be part of our dear niece’s wedding the end of June. As we arrived back to the US the beginning for August, we are rejoicing to be able to attend weddings of very precious people nearly […]