Summer is here, hot and steamy, full of heat and rain and lightening. I love this time of year and the great greening that goes on as every dry twig and branch brings forth lush, green leaves. In the morning, birds are singing. In the evening, the sound of crickets or cicadas. The sounds of […]
Recent News for ‘General’
“The Lord appeared to him from afar, saying, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; ..” Jeremiah 31:3 NAS Years ago I had the privilege as a young missionary, to serve in gospel ministry in South India with the great Pastor Philip Papabhatani, and his lovely wife and my dear friend, Lily-ama. They took […]
“And the word of the Lord was being spread throughout the whole region.” Acts 13:49 NAS > Global Training Platforms: Updates on India! Last month 400 pastors and leaders representing thousands of house churches scattered across several states of India, gathered for five days of advance leadership and bible training. This network’s church membership is […]
“For I long to see you so that I may impart some spiritual gift to you, that you may be established” … Romans 1:11 NAS > Global Training Platforms: Updates on Myanmar! One of the many things that I (Dan) get to do is to pray over people like these and as the Lord gives […]
It is my honor to write the personal note this month! The month of May has always been a very special month for me, and of course for Debbie also. Maybe many of you may already know why that is. On May 29, 1987 Debbie and I were married! This month we celebrate 31 years! […]
“Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.” I Corinthians 16:13 NLT When I was very near giving birth to my son with a circumference of dizzying proportion, I decided to take a walk through my small town. I waddled down main street, the spring air lifting my spirits. As I […]