One of our annual rhythms that we have established over the past few years, is to begin the New Year with a time of seeking the Lord afresh. We do our best to slow down the pace of life [so to speak] as much as we can and to spend some extra quality time with […]
Recent News for ‘General’
In September 2019, Jenna finished teaching her beginner and advanced English classes while I continued to paint murals at the school that Partners Relief and Development (PRD) renovated in Iraq earlier that year. We also did a couple more weeks of a pop-up school in the newly rebuilt facilities, hosting approximately sixty kids. Teaching the […]
For most of our son’s life we lived overseas and celebrated the holidays together. We had our own special traditions: Christmas eve enjoying a meal of Sherried Crab Bisque (which Josiah lovingly dubbed Mummie’s Booze Soup until I realized you did not add the sherry right before serving, but rather cooked it until the alcohol […]
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” Luke 2:14 NKJ One of the most celebrated greetings passed between people during the holidays is the phrase: “And on earth, peace, goodwill toward men…” Even if one is not of any religious affiliation, there is something so touching, so hopeful in […]
A Special Year-End Financial Gift Can Help Make A Difference! Thank you for helping to make 2019 a remarkable year! Your regular prayers and financial giving each month has been a great blessing to all that the Lord has accomplished this year. A major “THANK YOU” from the bottom of our hearts for your part […]
Thanksgiving is passed, along with the joy of reunion with our dear son, Josiah, who was able to visit us from Seattle for five entire days, with his girlfriend, Alyssa. I love having him home and making his favorite foods. Yes, of course, turkey and trimmings, but, then OUR leftovers most likely look very different […]