Join us on a 10 day prayer journey for Thailand!
During July 3rd-14th we will have the opportunity to prayer walk several key sites, and key cities in the south, central, and northern parts of the country of Thailand.
Each of these cities have a past, present, and future influence on the lives of millions of Thai people who are yet to be free from the spiritual forces of this dark age, (Eph. 6:12) that are keeping them resistant to the Gospel.
Until these forces are put in their proper place (under the victory of the finished work of Christ John 19:30, Colo. 2:15, Heb. 2:14, I John 3:8, etc,) Thailand remains one of those ‘harder to reach’ countries until a true ‘open heaven’ breakthrough comes. This could be one of those moments when the Lord breaks through at a deeper level on a national scale.
This month, please start with Matthew 6:10. That His kingdom would come, and that His will would be done on earth (in Thailand,) as it is in Heaven. Amen!
~ Dan Ecker