I want to take this moment to honor a faithful follower of Christ, my wife Deborah Graham Ecker as she celebrates 40 years in ministry this month. She is the one person in my world for nearly four decades now who has impacted me the most. I could not be the person I am today without her example of what it looks like to follow Jesus no matter what!
She has given me [and so many others] the example of proving God’s incredible faithfulness against all odds time and time again. Her ability to trust the Lord through some of the most challenging times in our lives has been life to me. Withholding nothing she is always the first one to say “yes Lord” to anything the Lord has asked us to do no matter how ridiculous to our flesh it may seem or how costly it has been.
And so I honor you, Debbie Graham Ecker for who you are as a person, a lover of God, a follower of Christ, a historian, and a fisher of men! Thank you for carrying the cause of Christ.
~ Dan Ecker