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“You must faithfully keep all my commands by putting them into practice, for I am the Lord.” Leviticus 22:31 NLT
One of the keys to our success as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ is to live our lives in accordance with the Word of God. The book of James teaches us that it’s the person who does the Word who is blessed, not the forgetful hearer. (James 1:23-25) It’s the doer of the Word who is blessed.
In fact, there is a central theme throughout the scriptures that teach us the same thing, with countless numbers of examples of those who did. Here are just a few.
By faith, Abraham when he was called, he obeyed. (Heb.11:8) He believed that he would become the Father of many nations, according that which was spoken: So shall your descendants be. (Rom 4:18). In hope against hope, he believed and he became just that.
Noah being blameless in his generation, when he was instructed to build an ark, the bible says that out of reverence, for God, he did! (Heb.11:7). And because of that, he and his family a long with all the animals that were in the ark were spared from the flood that destroyed the whole known world at that time. And it was from the three sons of Noah: Hem, Shem and Japheth, the Lord populated the whole earth. (Gen.10:1). Noah obeyed!
Moses, too, when he received the Word of the Lord to build the Tabernacle, he was to build it according the pattern that was shown to him on the mountain. (Ex. 25:9) And the scripture says that Moses built the Tabernacle according the commandment of the Lord. (Ex.40:16). Even when the work was done, it says that Moses inspected the work to see that it had built it properly, according to God’s instructions – God’s Word. (Ex.39:43) And it was!
These are just a few examples that teach us that there is no substitute for not following through or obeying the Word of God. Every form prolonged obedience hinders God’s blessing from coming into our lives. I have heard it said this way: Delayed obedience is disobedience. Period!
Every word of God is indwelt by God’s power. It has the ability to bring it self to pass all by it’s self with no help from us. Our job – believe and obey! The Word when acted upon has the power to change your life!
Let us apply now by putting into practice the Word of God like never before! His blessing follows our obedience.
Do it now!
~ Dan Ecker