A Prosperous Faith

On September - 1 - 2018

“Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers. ” III John 2 NAS

This blessing was written by the Apostle John to a household of people whom he loved tenderly. It carries such a feeling of affection and blessing. There are those who would say, this was one greeting, sent to an individual or a group of individuals, known to the author, and that it was never intended to become doctrine. However, I would say, that embedded into the heart of this scripture is a simple summation of God’s own heart. It reminds me of when Jesus summed up the totality of scripture in 2 commandments: To love God with everything in us, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. This blessing reveals God’s wishes toward His children, that we ALL would prosper, not only in our lives, but in our physical bodies.

The proof is in the testimony of Christ, and in the action of a loving God who, without hesitation sent His one and only Son, a part of Himself in every way, to die a shameful and brutal death on behalf of sinful man, in order that we, His children, might receive ALL the inheritance that is ours in Christ. Without the payment of that horrendous price, we would continue to be left to our own, walking blindly and unprotected into a harsh and uncaring world.

However, it is BECAUSE of Calvary, BECAUSE of the cross, that we can say, confidently, without hesitation, “I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.” Phil. 4:13, and “My God shall supply ALL your (and my) needs, according to HIS riches in Christ.” Phil. 4:19.

I can remember a few years back when I was a Cross-fit athlete. I was, without a doubt, the heaviest woman in the club and, also one of the oldest. I was training along side of slim, strong, mostly young men and women, trying my best to do the same workout that they were. Each time I walked up to the bar to do a power lift or took the bar onto my shoulders to squat at a greater weight than the day before, I breathed these words: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Each time, I kid you not.

And do you know? That within 3 months of training in that place, I became the 3rd strongest woman there? At my strongest I was able to dead lift 235 lbs! Nothing short of miraculous, but it was in the doing that my faith in Him was rewarded.

In all promises from the scriptures, it is in the doing, in obedience, that we see the promises come to life. Are we floundering in our finances? Perhaps it is time to make an extraordinary faith gift. Our beloved Bishop Joseph Garlington once said, ‘If what you are holding in your hand is not enough to be your harvest, then make it your seed.’

There is no doubt that when our soul is prospering, that it will cause faith to flow into the other areas of our lives. I learned years ago, that our victories over fiery trials begin on the inside, in our hearts. When we can praise God when our hearts are breaking. When we can lift our hands in worship in the moment of great loss. When we can give out of our need, to help others. THIS is the victory, even our faith.

And God … is and always has been, a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him by faith.

~ Debbie Ecker

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