Just the other day in my daily bible reading, I came across an amazing story in the life of David that can be found in I Sam. 23:28: The Rock Of Escape! In the early years of his life, prior to his becoming the king of Israel, he was first chosen by the Lord, through […]
With the end of May, Dan and I celebrated 32 years of marriage. We went to Ohio Pyle State Park, a very special place for us. This is the park we went to when I was first beginning to shake the effects of chemo and radiation. It was the park we went with Josiah both […]
“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus” Philippines 2:5 NKJ Years ago, I found myself feeling adrift in my relationship with God. I was sad. I was depressed. I was somewhat angry. I longed for the Lord to put my heart back right again. The Lord in His abundant faithfulness […]
Thank you for helping to reach families like these in 2019 Every year around this time our Firstlight Area Teams put together all of the details for our Families Without Fathers (FWF) project and Project REAP as a new Thai school term brings in May. These two projects are proving to be successful in bringing […]
Project REAP: Regional Education Assistance Program Hassanman [on the right] started with Sonny and Jing [two full time servants of God from the Philippines who have become a part of the larger Firstlight Family in Thailand] have become like Mom and Dad to her, and through the years, close to another 20 plus children like […]
Samson kills the lion and goes back to find honey inside! After killing the lion in Judges chapter 14, Samson was returning from city, [for some strange reason] he turns off the path to revisit the lion that he had just killed days before. What he found inside was honey! Shortly after [in this story] […]