It has been quite a busy past few months of wedding planning, finishing up graduate classes, interning, moving and as I mentioned in the last mission update, getting married this past March! My husband Benjamin is an amazing man, and how the Lord has brought our lives together is such a remarkable story of God’s […]
It seems we find ourselves as a nation and as a world in a ‘round 2’ with the pandemic. Please be in special prayer for all who are suffering right now, for healing, for safety, for rest. And please especially pray for Thailand, India, and Myanmar who have been hit especially hard with this, but […]
“…put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him,” Col. 3:10 The Bible is Holy Spirit speaking through the writings of 40 distinct authors: Kings and shepherds, Scholars and fishermen and farmers. Prophets and preachers. A tax collector and a doctor. Diverse backgrounds and education […]
Every month throughout the year, we continue to implement a series of projects that are bringing Christ into rural settings across Thailand. Project REAP (Regional Education Assistance Program) is one of them! For over a decade a good number of college age students in selected areas are hearing about Christ while furthering their education. This […]
One of the discoveries of the New Testament narrative is the fact that it’s “Christ in you the hope of glory.” (See Colossians 1:27) I will never forget the question I was asked by a friend around my conversion: “How did you go from one extreme to the other in one day?” This was in […]
We continue to stand with those who are dealing with the effects of Covid-19 in Kalaymyo, Myanmar. Last month we released another $1,000 USD to purchase much needed medical supplies. With your help, we can do more! ~ Dan Ecker