It Takes a Team “How could one chase a thousand, And two put ten thousand to flight, Unless their Rock had sold them, And the Lord had given them up?” Duet. 32:30 NAS I have often heard it said that many hands make light work. And its true! We have found that the more people […]
The Siam Miracle Greetings in Jesus Firstlight Global Family. It is our privilege to share with you about the “Siam Miracle” and to have your prayers going up on behalf of Thailand’s future. The Siam Miracle is a united core of Thai fathers, mothers and leaders committed to righteous stability in the Kingdom of Thailand, […]
Breakthrough Prayer In a full time or called to ministry such as Firstlight International, we can group the prayer-needs in 4 areas: Open Doors,Workers, Fruit and Finances. When we pray we enter the spiritual realm -hence praying in the spirit–this brings spiritual answers. The Bible says the atmosphere of praise and worship brings God into […]
Spring Accomplishments It occurs to me that next month, April, I have been a mother for over 24 years. 24 years ago Josiah Daniel James Ecker came into this world, for us to love him, to know him, to raise him and to grow him. And to put his tiny little hand into the hand […]
Reaching Thailand’s Heart Each month throughout the year our Firstlight Area Teams are engaging the culture daily with the gospel. They are sowing seeds of God’s word, acts of kindness, care and commitment among hurting, unsaved Thai people who are living in rural areas in six locations in three major provinces where Firstlight is planting […]
Myanmar Training Updates We are blessed to have the opportunity to extend teaching and training to hungry hearts in the developing countries of Asia – particularly in the country of Myanmar. Located in southeast Asia, Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) borders Thailand, Laos, China, India and Bangladesh. The country consists of 14 provinces; or 7 […]