Our partnership with the Rapha Healing Center in Phuket, Thailand is bringing forth wonderful fruit each month. The new church plant there is going well. The Sunday services are well attended with regular outreaches and special trainings take place monthly. The move to a new location earlier this year is proving to be a sacred […]
Recent News for ‘Projects’
One of our strategic objectives of Firstlight is to provide Care For Kingdom Families. This is being done each month in six locations across Thailand with projects like Families Without Fathers (FWF) and REAP Regional Education Assistance Program and more! In partnerships with several Thai churches we are bringing Christ to fatherless homes by providing […]
Our efforts to provide Care For Kingdom Families continues to be major focus for us is 2022 and beyond with a good number of children and young adults from fatherless homes being reached in six locations across Thailand. Families Without Fathers (FWF) and Project REAP (Regional Education Assistance Program) is now in its fourteenth year! […]
These are just a few of those who are gathering each week in Phuket, Thailand as part of the Rapha Healing Center. As a new church is being planted there Sunday morning services are well attended and teams like these are going out regularly to share Christ in selected areas across the city. Friendships are […]
The reports of what the Lord is doing in Phuket, Thailand are encouraging. Our partnership each month with the Rapha Healing Center is bringing the message of healing and deliverance to selected communities in the region with regular outreaches and services. Just this past month we were able to secure rent deposits for a new […]
We are privileged to bring Christ into fatherless homes in selected areas across Thailand in 2022. Our Families Without Fathers (FWF) project and Project REAP – Regional Education Assistance Program continues to make great strides each month with forty (40) plus children and young adults in six locations. Your prayers and financial giving each month […]