Higher Power

On May - 15 - 2023

“And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” Acts 2:4 NKJV

It was the dawn of what historians now call the “Christian Era.” (CE). Formerly known as AD or Anno Domini. (In the year of our Lord.) Such terms should give us pause. For history, as we knew it, hinged on a small slice of time, hardly an entire lifetime. 33 years. And written history became researched and annotated from One Life. One Life, that would be, as promised, poured out upon ALL flesh. Upon ALL people. Every tribe. Every kindred. Every tongue. Every people.

Just as the prophets foretold:

“In the last days, God says, I will pour out My Spirit upon all people. Your sons AND your daughters shall prophecy.” Joel 2:28/Acts 2: 17.

From our standpoint, from those who choose to call ourselves by His name, His life is the all defining moment in our lives. “And when the day of Pentecost had FULLY come…”. This word: fully, means as if a boat is about to be swamped. One other place where Luke used it in his gospel was when the disciples were in a boat during a storm, and the boat become full to the point of being swamped. Taken under.

This is how that Day of Pentecost, that first infilling day, was described by Luke. When the day had FULLY come. Because they were ready. They were at the tipping point of history. But in order for them to be able to complete the task their beloved Jesus had given them, they first needed to be filled. Swamped. Overflowing.

“For you shall receive POWER after the Holy Spirit has come upon you…”. Acts 1:8. This was the promise Christ made Himself to His disciples before He ascended to heaven. For He knew, better than anyone, that these folks were going to need a HIGHER power to do the works of God in their generation.

Another important point is that they were in one accord. The word here means to be of one mind.. Unity. No tears in the fabric of their fellowship. They were of one heart, one mind, one spirit. And then, the fullness of the Spirit came and filled them up, swamped their boats. Filled their lives and poured out on all those around them.

Which is why, beloved, you and I can sit in whatever church we attend, in whatever country and whatever denomination and language…and celebrate the day of Pentecost. The day when God came by His Spirit and filled every hungry heart.

And He still is. Lord!! We need Your Higher Power!

~ Debbie Ecker

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