Cross Shaped

On August - 9 - 2021

“…put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him,” Col. 3:10

The Bible is Holy Spirit speaking through the writings of 40 distinct authors: Kings and shepherds, Scholars and fishermen and farmers. Prophets and preachers. A tax collector and a doctor. Diverse backgrounds and education yet speaking with the same voice. Each passage revealing truths about an Eternal God, His great love, and ourselves.

At first glance, many find the Bible overwhelming. Too deep and difficult to interpret. But, in reading it, one quickly finds the passages are mostly abundantly clear. God does not hide or play games in this book. He is clear from the beginning. We are to love God with all our hearts, minds, soul, and strength; and, having done that, we are to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

SO simple and pure, but mankind has managed to overcomplicate things, adding layer after layer of “theology” to the simplicity of a life of loving and God and loving others. Many who have never known God are turned away by the seeming difficulty of living such a life. And yet…

Our call, our HIGHEST call, is to live a life transformed by that amazing love, poured out on us so freely, without measure. And in that transformation, we are changed. We do not change ourselves, but rather, the harsh ugly things inside us die as we get nearer and nearer to the Presence of such pure and accepting love. When we know that we are truly forgiven for our worst moments, our darkest deeds, the desire to hold others to account melts to nothingness.

And in that melting, Christ is formed. The same Christ who hung naked and bruised on the cross, looking at His accusers and mockers, and said, without guile or resentment, “Father, forgive them. They do not know what they are doing.”

It is said that Jesus is perfect theology. I believe that.

For it is in Jesus that purity of love, that release of supernatural grace is released within our hearts. And if we are willing to be made willing, the ability to forgive even the most unforgivable things that have been done to us or to those we love…becomes a reality. And it is like a boulder rolling away from our hearts. We are free. We are healed. We are released from hate and anguish.

This is everything. This is what the Lord wants to do in the hearts of His children. This is the Cross Shaped Life.

~ Debbie Ecker

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You can help Firstlight to finish strong in 2024 by sowing a “Year-End” financial gift today! Total Project Giving Goal: $55,000 We are putting together our project budgets and costs for 2025. A one-time “Year-End” financial gift of any size will help us to manage our financial commitments over the next 12 months. ~ Dan […]

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Thank you for your prayers and financial giving in 2021! For all that Firstlight International is doing in Thailand, and the nations surrounding this year you, too, have a part in all that is taking place! Thank you! The projects and ministry platforms that are in place are bringing forth wonderful fruit in the places […]

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Your prayers and financial giving this year will enable us to pursue a good number of projects and ministry platforms in 2021. With your help this year we are engaging in Kingdom Advance Partnerships with overseas national church leaders and ministries, providing Care For Kingdom Families in selected areas of Thailand, [through projects like REAP […]

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