“For this reason it says, “Awake, sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” Eph. 5:14 NAS
Years ago we met a couple, in their late 60’s at the time. Alan recently retired from the oil industry; thus, he and Winifred finally had time to enjoy life, their lovely country home, and an ever growing brood of grandchildren. They were delightfully in love, so much that couples much younger looked on in envy.
In the midst of this reverie, they decided to open up their over sized home, first to their two elderly sisters, so that those two ladies would be part of a family unit. Then, to troubled young men who were one step short of falling afoul of the law and had no where to live and no one to believe in them. Alan and Winifred, with all the extravagant love that flowed in their own lives, had overflow enough for many a lonely and troubled soul. The years passed, and when they could no longer keep that house, they embarked on new kingdom adventures, leading teams of aide workers to Croatia in the middle of the Balkan conflict. If you saw photos from that trip, you would swear they were a young couple deeply in love.
They were a couple who were not driving quietly off into the twilight of their lives. They were awake. Fully awake for more.
The wiles of the devil would have us be so hyper-focused on our fears for today and concerns for tomorrow that we are lulled into sleepy lethargy; not enjoying our present and shrinking back from our future. This over attention to our own needs, if unchecked, can become idolatry.
Jesus called us to seek the kingdom of God FIRST and all other things would be added to us. When we are actively seeking the kingdom, we die to our right to fear and worry. We die to the right to be angry and embittered about an outcome in our lives that did not come out just right. We die to self centeredness, and live to love and serve a Great King, and to find our joy in doing so.
God is never without a plan for us. His thoughts about us are countless! Alan and Winifred learned that secret, and each new chapter of their life was filled with joy and love, and Christ shined more and more. I want to be them when we grow up.
~ Debbie Ecker