The Kingdom Builders Conference in Kalaymyo, Myanmar last month was crazy good! Our host Pastors: Pastor Lang, and Pastor Thang are leading a group of 37 Spirit Filled Baptist churches into the future of reaching the next generation for Christ. They have many ‘brands in the fire’ for evangelism, discipleship, leadership training and church planting. Our Frontier Harvest Ministries (FHM) multi ethnic team from: U.S.A., China, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Myanmar were blessed to be a part such an extraordinary event.
During the teaching sessions and ministry times, many received a touch from the Lord. Lots of hungry hearts from enthusiastic listeners who received the word with ‘much gladness’ and Holy Spirit power! The evening revival services were attended well with many who came to be healed and to be prayed for. Even the children entered in with heart-felt worship and received prayer!
Myanmar is a country that is coming up on the Holy Spirit radar screens of many ministries that are forging ahead with the Gospel. Firstlight is a part in God’s plan!
~ Dan Ecker