Kingdom Builders Conference in Myanmar
What a joy for us to be back in Kalaymyo, Myanmar this month for a Kingdom Builders Conference with Chuck Lenhart, and Frontier Harvest Ministries (FHM). We are blessed to be a part of such an amazing opportunity to further advance the kingdom in places like these.
This particular group are some of the core leaders from a network of “Spirit Filled” Baptists churches that we meet up with over four years ago. We will continue to build upon the theme of apostolic structures for effective church planting as the formation of a new wineskin is underway in preparation for a fresh outpouring of Holy Ghost power that is necessary to reach the end time harvest that is waiting to be be reached.
Our role in training and equipping national church leaders creates a mutual partnership for kingdom expansion in key areas around the country. My time there will also include a two day teaching slot in the Emmanuel Theological Seminary (ETS) as the School graduates another batch of Bachelor degree students. For such a time as this!
~ Dan Ecker