On the path of pursuing Global Training Platforms that I (Dan) shared with you last month, led us to participate in the Father’s Heart Camp hosted by the Five Fold Ministry Church (Z-Gen Church) in Chonburi, Thailand. This was in conjunction with the Asia Father Centre (AFC) being pioneered by John Paul and Paula Sprecher Forerunning Flame International (FRFL) based in Pittsburgh. Debbie and I are being called upon to serve this initiative as the AFC takes root in Thailand.
There were nine sessions total. John Paul and Paula Sprecher beamed in for session two, and three via Skype. It was AMAZING! The whole weekend was Holy Spirit led as the Father shared His heart with us! We learned more deeply about hour Heavenly Identities of who we are in Christ as Sons Daughters of God. Thank you Pastor Sap, Khun Ooy, Pastor Sawang, Pastor Leanne, Pastor Joanna Perkins Samuels and so many more from Z-Gen. We love you guys so MUCH!
~ Dan Ecker