I have had a wonderful recovery! We are looking forward with great anticipation to the year ahead!! One of the great things we celebrate this month, is our dear Josiah’s 25th birthday!! A quarter century and what a fine young man he is. We could not be more proud of what a loving, caring soul he has turned out to be, hardworking and full of integrity. We hope to be able to see him some time over the summer, plans have not yet been made regarding that. Easter has come and gone, and after long last I have been able to spend some time with my precious parents and siblings. We have not seen them since Thanksgiving, and they have been so patient. What a change to have them be more worried about me, than I about them!! I have also been blessed to get ‘back in the pool’. I had a word from Pastor Joe Ewen, who said he sensed the Lord telling me to ‘get back in the water, and swim’…it was both a spiritual word for me, but also I took it literally, as it is in the water that I feel the most rejuvenated and alive. I am so grateful truly, for all of these blessings and thank you all again for your loving prayers.