I have always been the type of person that wants to know how things are going to turn out. For instance, if Debbie and I are watching a movie, that she has seen before, or she knows how it will end, I will ask her: “how does this turn out?” She will say: “just wait and see, you’ll find out.” I knew that would be her answer but it never helps me!
Another example of this is when my birthday is coming up, or even when Christmas is approaching. I start ‘snooping’ looking around at the packages that she brings in from the car, hoping to discover what my present might be. Even when Josiah was younger, I would ask him if Mom bought anything at the store when they were shopping! He was too good not to tell me I think he was instructed not to by his Mom. He would look at me and say: “nothing Dad” … and then he would smile!
I guess I haven’t changed. I am always asking the Lord what’s next, what’s up ahead, what does the year look like? What sort of things should I expect or even believe Him to unfold to us.
I think God likes it when we have a sense of wonder when it comes to Him. And as long as we are seeking Him in relationship, we can be assured that He is going to reveal Himself to us. Throughout this year, our mission will be to: Change lives and transform communities through: Heath, Education, Moral, Economic, and Community Development.
Through our current projects and ministry platforms, we will grow FWF to reach 100 kids. The Firstlight Fellowship Church Network – Thailand will grow, and we will further operations Firstlight Foundation in Thailand. Growing in prayer and in finance will be key to our success this year also.
~ Dan Ecker