Reaching – Jesus Did It, So Can We!
One of the core objectives of Firstlight in Thailand, is to reach people with the good news of Jesus Christ. This is being done through a good number of projects and ministry platforms reflected in our mission statement of changing lives and transforming communities. One of those platforms is Health.
Last months Eye Care Screenings for evangelism has resulted in over 2,000 people being seen by one of the four U.S. eye doctors from His Servants Ministries (HSM), in multiple villages in Khon Kaen, province in the north east of Thailand, in five days! Hundreds were presented with the gospel by a local Thai team trained to preach Christ, and to share the gospel.
We are still working on the numbers of those who came to Christ, as the follow up beings. The formation of a cluster of new believer cells is next. Join us as a new church begins to emerge. The planting phase starts now!
~ Dan Ecker