“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.” I Cor. 15:58 NAS
Everyone can use a cheerleader in their life from time to time. Someone to tell them: You can do this!! You are getting it right!! We are behind you!! You will make it!! No matter what it looks like right now DON’T STOP TRYING! DON’T STOP PUSHING!! It will happen. Keep on going!
A spirit of encouragement is a great gift to both have and to be able to receive from others. Our mentors, the ones whom God places in all of our lives during those formative years are the voices of encouragement to persevere, to press on, to plan the work and work the plan. I will never forget my years in Bible school, hearing my teachers and pastors constantly speaking over my life…that I was a world changer. I had never ever thought of myself in that way. But through their words, and in their eyes, all they saw was potential. And they were quick to speak to that potential, to move it from potential to fact.
Beloved, we must do the same. One of the ways that Firstlight is bringing that encouragement to others is through mentorship that speaks to the potential in the lives of others. Through training and relationships both in the US and overseas, we are always calling out the gifting and faith of others, walking alongside them, loving them, being aware of them. And, when we can, bringing them resource to their vision.
For the world will be won, not by one super large organization, but by a BODY that is joined, link by link, sinew to sinew, heart to heart, to fulfill a purpose larger than any of our own purpose statements. To reach beyond the reach of our own ministry parameters and spill out onto those whose parameters go far beyond ours. And to fill up the hearts of the younger generation, imparting every single drop of faith and wisdom we can into them before our time on this earth is over. THESE are the ways that the world will be won to Him. So that His Kingdom of peace and blessing can be established and bring a lasting peace and blessing to the nations. After all, He is the Hope of Every Nation. Let us never forget that.
Our work, when done His way, and in His love, and in a Jesus honoring way. That work, no matter how small, is never in vain.
~ Debbie Ecker