Well dear ones, by the time you read this, I will have already had surgery for endometrial cancer. These things can happen quite quickly in our lives. Once that diagnoses is reached, the date for surgery and the prep for that is quickly set. I was diagnosed on July 9th, and it has taken roughly 6 weeks for me to be ready for surgery, I have been tested and prodded and tested again. Several things are flooding my mind while all of this is happening. First, the wonderful loving presence of God at every single step. His voice, quietly confirming that He is with me and that He will work all things out for good. Second, the miracle that for the first time in my adult life, I have health insurance; and with that insurance, access to one of the most amazing hospital systems in the nation: Magee Women’s Hospital and UPMC. I am SO blessed by my doctors and nurses there. Last, I am overwhelmed that when we decided in 2014 to base for a few years from the states, while Dan continued to travel minister, that unknown to us, I would be facing this. I am SO THANKFUL, that I am facing this surgery at home, near family and friends, with a home to come home to quietly recuperate in. THANK you all for your prayers for my healing. I will keep you updated.
~ Debbie Ecker