Power Up!
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” Acts 1:8 NAS
When Jesus walked on this earth in the flesh, He spoke long and often about the coming of the Holy Spirit. We see the Holy Spirit being mentioned in all four gospels, but especially in the book of John. Jesus speaks of Him as ‘the Spirit of Truth.’ OH! How our world NEEDS this Spirit of Truth.
This world with all of its hatred, lies and ruthlessness needs those who follow Jesus to be empowered by His Spirit, enamored of His love, filled with grace that can calm a riotous anger and peace that passes all understanding. It needs a people who LIVE Pentecost, not just celebrate it as a church holiday once a year, then put it away like so many advent candles.
To live our lives in the way that Jesus intended, it is absolutely necessary to do so in the power of the Holy Spirit, whom He has given to us freely, gifting our lives with His wisdom, His guidance, His grace and mercy. This wonderful Gift will also pour into the lives of those around us faith, healing, signs and wonders, miracles. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost was a culmination of all of God’s fondest longings for mankind. No longer would He be separated from His people by the veil which represents our sin. The Veil of His flesh having been torn, His Spirit was free to be poured out upon ALL flesh.
God is Spirit, you see. And they who worship Him must do so…in Spirit…and in truth.
Jesus breathed on His disciples and said, ‘receive the Holy Ghost.’ Receive. If we want what God wishes to give to us, we must open up our arms and receive. We must not obstruct this giving, by will or by intellect. We must not talk ourselves out of the very best things that God is just waiting to do in our lives.
No more excuses. No more stalling. Today is the day you can receive the Holy Spirit and all the power that He wishes to fill you with. Today is the day to no longer be defined by our fears, our past failures, our hurts. Let’s lay down all that would hinder our empowerment. Today is the day to allow the Spirit of God to fill us to overflowing. Today is the day to ‘Power up.’
~ Debbie Ecker