We are blessed to have the opportunity to extend teaching and training to hungry hearts in the developing countries of Asia – particularly in the country of Myanmar.
Located in southeast Asia, Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) borders Thailand, Laos, China, India and Bangladesh. The country consists of 14 provinces; or 7 states representing the areas of 7 main ethnic races and 7 divisions. It is predominately a Buddhist nation, 6.5 % are Christian.
In December of last year, over 120 were trained in church planting, and apostolic ministry among a network of Spirit filled, Zomi Baptist churches in Kalaymyo, in the northwest part of the country. There were great moments of spiritual gift impartation (Rom.1:11 etc,), personal ministry, and great commission equipping and sending. Life changing moments for many as the Holy Spirit touched their lives.
~ Dan Ecker