A Fresh Call to Prioritize in 2015
In my former articles for the Firstlight Newsletter, I often refer to my own personal experiences, since I am neither a theologian nor a Bible scholar! However, I try to maintain a regular practice of prayer and bible reading. This discipline has been a light to my path in life.
Although, like some, I often stray from that path and need a healthy reminder to get my priorities generally aligned with the Word of God. Taking the time to listen to what God is saying to me in my heart and in the Word helps me to more specifically align my priorities as well. When I take the time to listen to Him, I stray less.
My son and I had many discussions as he was growing and wrestling with decisions of life. He would say, “Dad, what should I do?” Often my response is always, “What is most important to you and what are your priorities?” Then we would pray and before we ended, I would ask him to listen for that which God wanted to say to him.
My friends, he always heard from the Lord when he listened and the decision usually became very clear, even the hard ones!
As you begin 2015, you have an opportunity to realign your priorities regarding your prayer time, and study in the Word. Take some time each day to read the Word. Pray through God’s promises as you come across them. Start a journal or get a note book to record what you are learning, prayer requests and answers to prayer.
Align your relationships and your work with the priorities God has given you. Let your commitment of time and monies support your local church and Kingdom work like that of Firstlight International and what others are doing.
This is the time of new beginnings, and there is much yet to be done.
Be blessed in 2015!
~ Jay Deems