Lead On!
“The wicked flee when no one is pursuing, But the righteous are bold as a lion.” Proverbs 28:1 NAS
Since becoming a follower of Christ close to thirty years ago, I have enjoyed reading books. Not just any book but particularly books that pertain to: Leadership, Prayer, Faith, Discipleship, Missions, and Church Planting. Up until that point, I never knew books like this even existed! As a new believer, my world had just opened up to life long study of the scriptures in a pursuit of knowing God’s plan and purpose for my life. Reading good Christian books from authors like: Dick Eastman, Ken Blanchard, Deitrich Bonhoffer, E.M. Bounds, Kenneth Hagan, and Leroy Eimes are just a few that the Lord used to shape my Christian world view – convictions that I still hold to, even to this present day.
One of books that impacted me the most in the early days was a book entitled: ‘Lead On’ by John Haggai. The book teaches the importance of having a vision, mission, goal setting and staying power. This book came into my life at the right time. Even though I wasn’t sure of all the details, it started me on a journey of discovery by asking the right questions about where I wanted to go in life, and how (by God’s leading) I intended to get there. A discipline everyone who intends to make a difference in the world needs to have.
Here we are thirty years down the road, and the journey of discovery continues. We know that the Lord’s plans for us in 2015 are great and as President of Firstlight International, it is my role to help us to understand where we are going, choosing the right path, and setting the pace. With the help of our Board, our Firstlight Area Teams in Thailand, and through the prayers and financial giving of a great team of dedicated people, we can accomplish much for the kingdom this year.
• Grow the network of Churches in Thailand – 3 potential new churches.
• Expand Families Without Fathers (FWF) to reach 100 kids.
• Open two branch offices of Firstlight Foundation in Thailand: in Phuket & in Khon Kaen.
• Extend training to national Christian workers in: China, Laos, Myanmar & Thailand.
• Grow our prayer and financial support base in the U.S.
Having a vision is one thing. It’s another thing to see that vision come to pass. Our success can be found in the things that we do on a daily basis. Through prayer, daily Bible reading, giving, faith, Holy Spirit leading, and in partnership with people like you, we are making some bold steps this year and we are trusting the Lord to see us through every step of the way. Jesus … Lead On!
~ Dan Ecker