Located in a small village of Khong Pho, in northeast Thailand, children like these are gathering weekly to learn about Jesus and God’s great love. The Lord has given us a tremendous opportunity to reach children for Christ in places like these.
Sitting on straw mats spread out over the dirt floor of one of the Firstlight Fellowship house churches that is being planted there, they listen intently to bible stories and lessons about life. Often times this is done through games and competition. Rewards or candy prizes are given to those who know the answer (if they were paying attention) or to the team who has gained the most points wins! Songs, too, are used to convey a message or themes about God which creates a wonderful opportunity for His word to be sown into their little lives. Our hope is that one day there will be a mighty harvest of righteousness.
You see, we want these kids and many others to have the opportunity to come to know Jesus and His great love for them. Join us each month as we serve together in God’s plan to save the lost.
~ Dan Ecker