I am both excited and challenged as I think about all that we are believing God to accomplish in 2014.
By God’s grace and through His provision, we will continue to embrace children and families from fatherless homes across Thailand through Families Without Fathers, (FWF). Our Firstlight Area Teams are providing weekly home visits to every child and family involved in the program and the results are amazing. We thank God for the lives of those who are being touched with the gospel each month.
Through the network of the Firstlight Fellowship Churches in Thailand, we are touching the lives of hundreds in six locations where Firstlight is planting churches. Growing the leadership base in every church is essential in 2014. Regular trainings are taking place to make that happen.
With a passion for His presence burning within us, and an ever-growing hunger for His Word, we continue to seek the Lord for His plans and strategies to reach nations. 2014 will prove to be a remarkable year for reaching others for Christ in the places where we serve.
Join us each month in prayer and in finance. Thank you!
~ Dan Ecker