“Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude.” Col. 2:6-7 NAS
One of the things that happens during this time of year for many of us is that we may decide to make changes in a particular area of our lives as we start the new year. We may decide to lose weight, exercise more, quit a certain habit, or even to add a new skill. Maybe plans to save more money, take a vacation, or even a mission trip.
Many of us will decide to do things that help us in our Christian walk. Things like: reading through the Bible in one year; spending one hour with the Lord in prayer each day, or increasing our financial giving. Win three people to Christ this year. Lists like these are endless and we all have them.
As important as any one of these things are, the desire to complete these goals or committments needs to be matched with a plan to follow through. Most New Year resolutions don’t work. The reason is high expectations that never get met. We get discouraged and quit. It’s one thing to decide to do something, to complete a goal if you will but it’s another thing to actually complete what you’ve set out to accomplish. Like most of us, we lack follow through. The same can be true in our daily walk with the Lord.
Change is inevitable – growth is optional. In other words, change is going to happen. The question is will we choose to grow along with that change or not. The choice is yours.
The above verse encourages us that just as we have received Jesus Christ as Lord, (however long ago that was), so walk in Him. The follow through process is as such: firmly rooted, grounded, being built up in Him, and established in our faith and overflowing with gratitude.
As we attempt to move forward in 2014, let this be our follow through plan this year. It’s the little things that we do on a daily basis that make the difference in lives. Follow through!
~ Dan Ecker